Monday, June 7, 2010

Traes mucho pegue

Sometimes literal translations just don't work, and this is one of those times, so we won't even try.

Let's start with "traes".  The verb is traer, which means "to bring".  Sometimes traer can be used as a synonym of tener.   I discussed this in a previous post, and you can read about it here if you like.  With that in mind, we can translate "traes" as something to the effect of "you bring" or "you have".

"Mucho" should need no translation, unless you're an absolute newbie to Spanish, but just in case, it means " a lot".

"pegue" comes from pegar, meaning to hit.  But since the literal translation doesn't work in this case, just file that bit of information away for some other time.

In this case, we have to look at "pegue" in combination with tener or traer.   So the key to understanding this phrase lies in understanding the phrase "tener pegue" or "traer pegue".  We're going to talk about "tener pegue", because that's actually the phrase, just keep in mind that you may also hear "traer pegue".

OK, I've drawn this out long enough, let's get to the point.  (ir al grano)

"Tener pegue" means   to have sex appeal, or charm if you like.  It means you've got a way with the opposite sex.

So if someone tells you "Tienes mucho pegue", well, lift your head up high and smile, because they just gave you a very nice compliment.  Especially if it comes from a person you're trying to "ligar" (hook up)  with.

Tienes (traes) mucho pegue
You got a lot of sex appeal

I've yet to hear this phrase directed at me, but perhaps you all have better luck and more "pegue" than me.

If you want some extra credit, or perhaps a little advice on how improve your sex appeal, check out the link below to get some consejos (advice).

¡Hasta la próxima!

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