Thursday, September 25, 2008

Listening comprehension - helpful web sites

First we'll begin with where you'll find short stories and poems, organized by author, read aloud with transcripts. You will find works by García Lorca, Becquer, Neruda, Hardy, Poe, Woolf and many, many more. In some cases, you can find them in other languages side by side such as The Princess and the Pea/La Princesa y el Guisante or the combination of Spanish and French. Listen to the audio online or download them as mp3 files.

From literature to the news, we next visit Spanish NewsBites which is simply packed with lots of good things. They offer brief "snippets" from Spanish-language news sources with audio (listen online or download mp3 files), links and mouseover glossaries. Not only that, but Spanish NewsBites also offers a PDF transcript with key glossary words. And if that wasn't enough, you can test your comprehension with their fill-in-the gap exercises. There are three levels - beginner, intermediate and advanced.

The last one I will talk about today is Audiria. From their site:
  • An original daily audio file in Spanish with its transcription.
  • Different chapter "channels" along the week.
  • Chapters organized by difficulty level.
  • Different exercises associated to each chapter.
  • A forum for practicing your Spanish writing and get corrected.
  • Personal stats to follow-up your scores.
  • A collection of complementary learning resources.
  • A completely free book of grammar, vocabulary and a conversation guide.
  • Brief grammatical lessons in audio-text format.
  • A free iTunes podcast
All I can say is - wow! I mean, I really have nothing else to add. Wait, there is one more thing - all of these resources are free as in gratis. Enjoy!

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