Friday, December 18, 2009

Tienes nopal en la cara - Transcripts

So in my last post, I discussed the phrase "tiene nopal en la cara". If you missed it, you can find it here. I actually discussed the phrase in a video, and as promised here's the transcript:

Hola, que onda, como estan a todas?
Hello, what’s up, how is everybody?

Hoy voy a hablar de una frase. La frase es tiene
nopal en la cara.

Today I’m going to talk about a phrase, and the phrase is tiene nopal en la cara (You have a cactus on your face).

OK, primero voy a explicar que es un, un nopal.
First I’m going to explain what a “nopal” is.

En ingles, nopal significa "cactus". Desde hace mucho,
desde los tiempos de los Aztecas y los Mayas, nopal
se refiere a la gente mexicano.

In English, nopal means catctus. For a long time, since the times of the Aztecs and the Mayas, nopal has been used to refer the Mexican people.

OK, entonces, que signicica "tiene nopal en la cara"? "tiene nopal en la cara" significa que alguien se ve muy, muy, mexicano.
OK, so then what does “tiene nopal en la cara” mean? It means that someone looks Mexican.

OK, les doy un emjemplo. Ella tiene nopal en la cara pero no se hablar espanol.
**I should have said " sabe hablar español"
OK, I’ll give you an example. She looks Mexican, but she doesn’t know how to speak Spanish.

Esa frase tal vez no es muy util, pero pense que era muy interesante,
por eso queria compartirlo con ustedes.
This phrase may not be very useful, but I thought it was interesting and wanted to share it with you.

Bueno, ya esta, nos vemos. Hasta la proxima.
Well, that’s it. See you later. Until the next time!

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