Sunday, February 28, 2010

Con dinero baila el perro y sin dinero bailas como perro

With money the dog will dance and without money you'll dance like a dog.

I nearly fell out my chair laughing when I heard this one.  I love refranes (sayings).  This one equates to our "Money makes the world go round".  Or at least the first half of it does -- "Con dinero baila el perro".

The second half our refrán "sin dinero bailas como perro" doesn't directly translate to any expression in English that I know of, but I think you get it.  If you don't have any money, you're the one taking the orders!  Although I find the reference to a dancing dog much more fun and colorful.

There are a montón of refranes in Spanish, a lot which are hard to interpret, because we simply don't have corresponding sayings in English, and because you need a deep cultural understanding in  addition to the language aspect. 

I will be posting more refranes, but they will be the ones that have a corresponding saying in English, because those will be the ones we can understand and put to use right away.

¡Hasta la próxima!

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