Monday, April 16, 2012

Magazine: Bilingual Times/Tiempo Bilingüe

Just a really quick post since it’s late, but had to share this one. Bilingual Times is a magazine for children that’s available in print and digital format. The digital version is free at this time.

From the site:

TIEMPO BILINGÜE es una publicación mensual en inglés y en español creada con el objetivo de aportar material de lectura para la práctica de los dos idiomas. Un contenido internacional y multicultural, que incluye noticias, artículos, relatos, juegos de palabras y actividades creativas que despiertan la iniciativa, la imaginación y el poder inventivo natural que todos tenemos.

BILINGUAL TIMES is a monthly publication in English and Spanish. It was created with the idea of bringing reading material to practice both languages. Our scope is international and multicultural; it covers news, stories, games, play on words and creative activities that awaken the initiative, the imagination and the common power of invention we all have.

Enjoy!issue preview

Hat Tip:

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