Saturday, September 29, 2012

Chat Up Spanish-Speaking Strangers Like Natives

Learning Spanish is a tad boring. But flirting is fun. So, when you have a chance to do so with them sizzling hot Latinas either in real-life or online, why not make it perfect with some real Spanish? Let’s face it, a touch of Spanish goes a long way in impressing those pretty native-speakers and surely helps your linguistic skills, greatly accelerating your learning. It is also a no-brainer that learning Spanish calls for a great deal of motivation and what could possibly be more motivating than getting to learn how to hit on strangers in Spanish? What is fun is also useful and, more often than not, socially rewarding.

Ice-breakers in Spanish

In this article, we’ll learn a bunch of Spanish pick-up lines (frases para ligar) to help you break ice with those natives effortlessly. I am sure learning Spanish will get more motivating and less frustrating with these phrases.

To flirt – Flirtear/Coquetear

I noticed you and wanted to find out what you were like – Te noté y quería averiguar cómo eres

I like you a lot – Te gusta mucho

I want you – Te deseo (careful, this one’s rather intense!)

Are you single? – ¿Estas soltero/a?

Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? – ¿Tienes novio/a?

I have never seen anyone as good looking as you – Nunca he visto a nadie tan guapo/a como tú

Learn Spanish quick...for them Latinas!!
Learn Spanish quick...for them Latinas!!
Photo credit: prayitno licensed CC BY 2.0
You are very handsome/pretty – Eres muy guapo/a

I love being with you – Me encanta estar contigo

You drive me crazy – Me vuelves loco/a

I am crazy about you – Estoy loco/a por ti

You have a beautiful smile – Tienes una sonrisa muy bonita

You have beautiful eyes – Tienes unos ojos muy bonitos

You have the prettiest eyes in the world – Tienes los ojos más bonitos del mundo

Let’s dance – Bailamos

I would like to buy you dinner – Te invito a cenar

I would like to invite you to drink something – Te invito a tomar algo

Why don’t we go someplace quieter? – ¿Por qué no vamos a un sitio más tranquilo?

I am having a great time with you – Me lo estoy pasando genial contigo

Can you give me your telephone number? – ¿Puedes darme tu número de teléfono?

I’ll call you – Te llamaré

Shall I give you a ride home? – ¿Puedo llevarte a tu casa en mi carro?

Would you like to come in for a coffee? – ¿Quieres entrar para un café?

I am really looking forward to seeing you again – Tengo muchas ganas de verte otra vez

I would like to see you again – Me gustaría volver a verte

Do you want to do something tomorrow? – ¿Quieres hacer algo mañana?

Extreme flirting

Nothing motivates like romance
Nothing motivates like romance
Photo credit: Andy licensed CC BY-ND 2.0
Warning: Use the following with utmost caution; Better don’t until you are sure about a certain level of intimacy with your acquaintance!

So many dangerous curves and me without brakes! – ¡Tantas curvas peligrosas, y yo sin frenos!

Screw me if I'm wrong but you want to sleep with me, don’t you? – Que me jodan si mi equivoco, tu quieres acostarte conmigo, ¿verdad?

My underwear is edible – Mi ropa interior es comestible

That’s a nice dress! It sure would look good on my bedroom floor – ¡Qué vestido tan bonito! Quedaria precioso en el suelo de mi habitacion

You look like a candy; the wrapper is cute but it’s what’s inside that’s really tasty – Pareces un bombon;  es muy bonita la envoltura pero lo rico es lo que está adentro

Walk in the shade because candies melt in the Sun – Camina por la sombre porque las bombones se derriten al sol

Just talk and connect

Now, I understand these might not be the most creative pick up lines invented by mankind but they will certainly put you on the right track to making friends with native speakers. They might not turn you into the Barney Stinson of Latin America but they will surely have you charming your way right into the hearts of those native speakers, well enough to initiate a healthy conversation and even friendship! Was that not the point of the whole exercise anyway? Acquiring Spanish vocabulary calls for total immersion and making acquaintances with those who speak nothing but Spanish is a surefire method.

It might be intimidating at first but a sure-fire way of not only accelerating your learning and winning some life-long friends along the way. If you are in or close to a Hispanic community it’s even easier. Just walk into a bar or any such place where Latinos are known to frequent more or less exclusively, and chat up anyone sitting at the bar using your rudimentary Spanish and see your initiative win you accolades and snowball into an experience of a lifetime.

If you are far from such communities, help is still not far. There are plenty of chatrooms exclusively meant for Latinos. Just sign in and get going. In fact, there’s a slight advantage here in that you will find the experience less intimidating than a real-life interface. Also, watching Hispanic chatters use native Spanish to break ice amongst themselves will enrich your experience way more than just learning a bunch of phrases listed above.

Just be sure you know that the basic principles of flirting and chivalry apply in Spanish as much as the do in English or any other language or culture. While healthy flirting is harmless, even a slightly wrong usage or context could make your acquaintance uncomfortable and pretty much ruin your evening. So, tread with caution and make your Spanish work for you, not against you.

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